The Most Cultivated Trees in Vietnam

The Distinctive Products They Yield

10 min


You might be curious to know what types of plants are commonly grown in Vietnamese households. In our country, Vietnam, especially in rural areas, every family has a garden—a place where the homeowners cultivate plants to make their living space greener. Below, we will introduce to you some of the commonly grown plants in Vietnam.


Vietnam has a hot and humid climate that’s perfect for bamboo to grow fast. Bamboo is a big kind of grass, and it’s the biggest one in the world. You can find a lot of bamboo all over Vietnam.

People in Vietnam really like bamboo and use it for different things. A long time ago, they planted bamboo around their gardens to keep the soil safe and stop it from washing away. This is important because Vietnam often has strong storms. Bamboo helps to reduce the wind’s power and protects against damage from these storms.

Besides protecting, people in Vietnam use bamboo for many everyday things. They build houses and bridges with bamboo, and they also make useful kitchen tools like chopsticks and baskets from it.

In the eyes of the Vietnamese, bamboo symbolizes unity and represents the vigorous life that rises resiliently from adversity.

Bamboo is the fastest-growing plant in the world. Some types can grow an incredible three feet in just a single day!

Banana tree

Bananas are a familiar and easy-to-grow plant in Vietnam. They require minimal care, and you don’t need to fertilize or water them much for normal growth. Vietnamese people utilize various parts of the banana plant for different purposes:

Bananas carry significant importance among the Vietnamese, often being a crucial fruit placed on ancestral altars during festive occasions.

Banana blossoms find use in dishes, whether mixed, stir-fried, or consumed raw.

Banana leaves serve as wrappers for Chung cakes, a renowned traditional Vietnamese dish commonly made during celebrations.

The trunk of the banana tree becomes a source of food for pigs, chickens, and ducks.

Coconut tree

The coconut tree is a characteristic tree in Vietnam, and you can see these trees all over the country. This resilient and economically valuable plant is easy to grow, and different parts of the coconut can be made into yummy dishes.

Coconut water is a tasty and nutritious drink loved by the Vietnamese, especially when it’s hot. It’s also used in many Vietnamese dishes. Did you know that coconut jelly, a yummy Vietnamese treat, is made from coconut water?

Coconut meat can be used to make delicious things like candied coconut ribbons, baked coconut cracker, and coconut candy.

Coconut shells are used as bowls and in making traditional crafts. Some traditional Vietnamese musical instruments are even made from coconut shells.

Areca Catechu

In Vietnam, people like to plant areca catechu in front of their homes because they believe it symbolizes peace and positivity. They also think that having these palms in front of the house can protect them from bad things, bringing good luck and prosperity to the family.

The areca nut is the fruit of the areca catechu. It plays a significant role in various traditional ceremonies among the Vietnamese, including engagements, weddings, funerals, and more. In the past, there was a custom of consuming areca nuts with betel leaves, considered a means to initiate conversations and create a more comfortable atmosphere.

Areca nuts are also regarded as symbols of love, harmony, and commitment in Vietnamese married life. This is why the betel and areca nut tray is an indispensable element in every wedding. If you have the opportunity to witness a Vietnamese wedding, you’ll observe that the first exchange during the ceremony involves a betel and areca nut tray between the two families.

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