The Story of the Artisan Who Transforms Bamboo Roots into Unique Sculptures

This article is about a talented artisan in the ancient town of Hoi An, Vietnam.

4 min

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A small shop in Hoi An Ancient Town has hundreds of captivating portrait sculptures carved from bamboo roots. The artist behind these remarkable works is Huynh Phuong Do, whose creativity and skill are evident in every detail.


Huynh Phuong Do is an artisan living in the ancient town of Hoi An, Vietnam, where he has devoted nearly his entire life to transforming bamboo roots into unique sculptures.

Once seen as discarded material, these bamboo roots have found new life through Huynh Phuong Do’s creativity and skilled hands, captivating everyone who sees his work. Visitors to Hoi An often choose his sculptures as souvenirs, drawn to their beauty and the story they tell of craftsmanship.

Hoi An Ancient Town
Hoi An is a city with a population of approximately 120,000 in Vietnam’s Quang Nam Province, registered as a UNESCO World Heritage Site since 1999. Old Town Hoi An, the city’s historic district, is recognized as a well-preserved example of a Southeast Asian trading port dating from the 15th to the 19th century, its buildings and street plan reflecting a blend of indigenous and foreign influences. (Wikipedia)

Huynh Phuong Do: The Artist and His Craft

Young Huynh Phuong Do

From a young age, Huynh Phuong Do apprenticed under skilled carpenters in Kim Bong woodworking village in Hoi An. He recalls a life-changing moment during the major flood of 1999 in Hoi An when he noticed bamboo roots drifting in front of his door.

Picking them up, he conceived the idea to carve them into sculptures. After days of hard work, he showcased his first pieces to tourists, quickly selling out. Since then, he has been dedicated to crafting sculptures from bamboo roots.

The Creative Process: Turning Bamboo Roots into Art

Huynh Phuong Do searches for bamboo roots from old, dead bamboo trees

He starts by searching for bamboo roots from old, dead bamboo trees, which he carefully digs up and brings home. Once at home, the bamboo roots undergo traditional processing and preservation methods. First, they are soaked in mud for about 9 months to prepare them. After this, they are cleaned and left to sun-dry for around 10 days to strengthen the roots and prevent mold.

Before creating each piece, he examines and imagines which famous face the bamboo root could resemble best. According to Huynh Phuong Do, the most challenging parts are shaping the eyes and mouth to express emotions like happiness, sadness, joy, or anger accurately. After sculpting the face, he moves on to sanding the sculpture. Surprisingly, he completes each artwork in just about 30 minutes.

Each of his artworks is unique because each bamboo root varies in shape and size. No two pieces are alike, even when depicting the same character.

This work not only gives Huynh Phuong Do a good income to support his family, but it also allows him to teach many young artisans this craft, helping them earn a living too.

Huynh Phuong Do’s tools for making bamboo root sculptures

Young artisans learning the craft from Huynh Phuong Do

More to Know

Huynh Phuong Do’s shop in the ancient town of Hoi An is a favorite spot for visitors. Tourists love watching him work, amazed at how he turns bamboo roots into beautiful sculptures. Many also buy his creations as special souvenirs, taking home a piece of Hoi An’s art.

He plans to open workshops in Hoi An’s ancient town, where tourists can engage with and learn about this unique craft. Participants will be able to take their creations home after the workshops.

Final Thoughts

Bamboo roots used to be considered worthless, often thrown away or used as firewood by poor families. However, Huynh Phuong Do, with his talent, has transformed these roots into beautiful works of art. This shows how creativity can turn the ordinary into the extraordinary.

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