Vietnamese Shan Tuyet Tea: A Treasured Brew from the Mountains

7 min


Organic products

High in the mountains of Northwest Vietnam, there exists a type of tea known as Shan Tuyet. These ancient tea trees, many of which are centuries old, have gnarled trunks and twisted branches. The tea leaves they produce are covered in a fine white fuzz, which gives them a silvery appearance and a unique flavor.


The locals pick Shan Tuyet tea (Photo credit: FÌN HÒ TRÀ)

Picture this: women climbing dozens of meters high to harvest tea buds. Pretty impressive, right? Nestled in the northwest mountains of Vietnam, you’ll find ranges soaring between 800 to 2,000 meters. With a cool climate and year-round cloud cover, these forests create the perfect home for Shan Tuyet tea trees. These trees can live for centuries and reach heights of 2 to 20 meters, producing premium tea with a unique flavor.

Hoang Su Phi District in Ha Giang Province is known for its many Shan Tuyet tea trees. (Photo credit: FÌN HÒ TRÀ)

For generations, Shan Tuyet tea has been a daily beverage for ethnic minority communities in these regions. Because the tea trees grow tall, farmers must climb high branches to harvest the tea buds.

The name “Shan Tuyet” itself reflects the tea’s special characteristics. The delicate white fuzz adorning the tea buds resembles snow clinging to the mountain peaks.

Shan Tuyet tea plants are cultivated completely organically. They are harvested by hand, a delicate process that ensures the white fuzz on the tea buds stays intact.

The local people harvest tea from ancient Shan Tuyet trees in the forest. (Photo credit: FÌN HÒ TRÀ/ Trà Shan Tuyết Fìn Hò)

History and origin

Vietnam’s provinces renowned for Shan Tuyet tea

No one knows exactly how long Shan Tuyet tea trees have been around. The oldest residents in the region say they have seen these tea trees since they were children. According to research by Vietnamese scientists, the Shan Tuyet tea trees in the mountainous provinces of northwest Vietnam are hundreds of years old.

Heritage Recognition
In 2022, 1,324 ancient Shan Tuyet tea trees in the northern province of Ha Giang were recognized as Vietnam heritage trees by the Vietnam Association for Conservation of Nature and Environment, according to the Vietnam News Agency. For further details, see the full article here.

The provinces that grow the most Shan Tuyet tea are Ha Giang, Yen Bai, Son La, and Dien Bien. In the past, local people harvested Shan Tuyet tea for their own use. Today, this tea has become a famous specialty, providing locals with a stable income.

Cultivation and production

Shan Tuyet tea plants only grow at altitudes between 800 and 2,000 meters above sea level. Remarkably, these tea plants thrive naturally, without the need for fertilizers or pesticides.

Shan Tuyet tea is harvested three to four times a year. The first harvest occurs at the end of March or early April, followed by a second one in May and June. The third harvest takes place in August, and the fourth in October through November.

According to experienced tea pickers, the first harvest—usually in late March and early April during spring—is when the tea yield and quality are at their peak.

To obtain the finest Shan Tuyet tea buds, pickers wake up early and head into the forest. They climb the tall Shan Tuyet tea trees and carefully pick each bud, which is still covered in the morning dew.

Once the leaves are carefully picked, they head to the village for processing. Here too, everything is done by hand. First, the leaves bask in the warm sunshine, drying naturally. Then, they get roasted in a wok over a wood fire. This step requires a skilled touch, as the roaster needs to keep the fire just right to avoid burning the leaves and – most importantly – preserve the precious white fuzz.

Unique characteristics

Photo credit: FÌN HÒ TRÀ

Shan Tuyet tea offers a slightly bitter taste, a sweet aftertaste, and a gentle, enticing aroma. The tea has an exceptional flavor because it’s grown in the natural environment of the northwestern mountain forests. The clean, cool climate and fertile soil provide essential nutrients.

Also, the tea buds are harvested from centuries-old trees, giving them a unique, delicious taste from years of absorbing nutrients and essence from the environment. Additionally, the meticulous harvesting and processing contribute to its excellent quality.

The distinctions in harvesting and processing methods and the resulting tea color when brewed define the four types of Shan Tuyet tea: Shan Tuyet White Tea, Shan Tuyet Green Tea, Shan Tuyet Yellow Tea, and Shan Tuyet Black Tea.

The four types of Shan Tuyet tea (Photo credit: Không gian văn hoá trà Suối Giàng (Facebook))

Bach tra (Shan Tuyet White Tea): Only one bud is picked. It’s naturally fermented, and the tea has a light yellow color.

Diep tra (Shan Tuyet Green Tea): One bud and two young leaves are picked. After harvesting, the leaves are immediately pan-roasted. When brewed, the tea has a honey-yellow color.

Hoang Tra (Shan Tuyet Yellow Tea): One bud and two leaves, including one mature leaf, are picked. The leaves are allowed to wither before being pan-roasted. The tea has a darker yellow color compared to Shan Tuyet Diep Tea.

Hong Tra (Shan Tuyet Black Tea): One bud and two mature leaves are picked. After withering, the leaves are rolled, fermented, and dried without pan-roasting. The tea has a pinkish-red color.

The health benefits of Shan Tuyet tea

Research by scientists has highlighted the health-promoting properties of Shan Tuyet tea. You can find more information here. Based on this study, we have summarized the key findings for you.

Rich in antioxidants

Shan Tuyet young tea leaves are a valuable source of antioxidants. Antioxidants are like bodyguards for our cells. They protect us from harmful molecules called free radicals, which can cause serious health problems like diabetes, heart disease, and cancer when they build up in our bodies.


Shan Tuyet tea is packed with EGCG, one of the most powerful antioxidants you can find naturally. This EGCG content might help protect against cancer and heart disease. Some studies even suggest it could lower your risk of brain diseases like Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s.

Drinking Shan Tuyet tea not only boosts your mood but also positively impacts your health. It helps combat aging, prevents diabetes, and is good for heart health.

Brewing instructions

Photo credit: FÌN HÒ TRÀ

Here are the steps to brew Shan Tuyet tea.

Prepare the pot: Place the tea leaves in a teapot.

Rinse the leaves: Pour boiling water over the leaves, then quickly pour it out. This helps to clean and awaken the leaves.

Add hot water: Refill the pot with hot water (just below boiling point, around 195-205°F). Fill until the bubbles disappear.

Steep: Put the lid on the pot and let the tea steep for 3-5 minutes.

Enjoy: Pour the tea into cups and savor the unique flavor of Shan Tuyet tea.


Vietnam’s northwest region boasts ancient Shan Tuyet tea trees, thriving for centuries.
Shan Tuyet tea is grown and processed using traditional organic methods.
The tea comes from ancient trees, giving it a special flavor.
Shan Tuyet tea offers numerous health benefits, as it is rich in antioxidants and theanine.
Simple steps to brew Shan Tuyet tea

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